Werner Nekes-搜索结果

  • 博伊斯 Beuys


    导演:Werner Nekes, Dore O.   编剧:


      The first thing to strike you about this DVD release is its content: a single film, totalling only 10 minutes and 30 seconds, and absolutely no extras. Admittedly that film does come in two versions – with or without its burnt-in English subtitles – but this provides a choice present solely for language reasons; in all other respects both versions are completely identical. As s...

  • 尤利西斯 Uliisses


    导演:Werner Nekes   编剧:Homer, 詹姆斯·乔伊斯, 维尔纳·内克斯

    主演:Armin Wölfl, Tabea Blumenschein, Russel Derson

  • 海宁根 Hynningen


    导演:Werner Nekes   编剧:维尔纳·内克斯


  • Diwan


    导演:Werner Nekes   编剧:维尔纳·内克斯

    主演:Ludi Armbruster, Nikolaus Hof, Rosmarie Liesen

      Diwan, a lyrical anthology, is an outdoor movie with people. With people who are neither more nor less than a part of the precious and exquisitely photographed nature surrounding them. What Nekes achieves with landscape as a cunning artist in a medium which proceeds in time -- how he vanquishes time that changes things by using it to change the landscape, how he disturbs or des...